Toady a friend of mine rang to ask me to go cycling with her, we had previously chatted about getting fit. I agreed but as the day progressed i found myself consumed with negative thoughts. The first being what is suitable attire for cycling? The sun was shining and shorts seemed a good plan, not with those pastie legs screamed my inner critic. Ok, so shorts were out, leggings,again same response, tracksuit bottoms the only option left. Now the torso; after several attempts, found one. Next dilemma i faced was what if someone i know sees me and laughs at the sight of my beetroot coloured face brought on by the exertion of pedalling! At this stage i told myself it was time to get a grip, who bloody cares whether i go cycling or not? Haven't people real problems and enough to do just keeping their own lives going?Something in me was just evoked by this negativity, a familiar feeling of inadequacy was awakened! And i realised that i am my own worst critic, i have this tendency to instantly judge myself on how i think others perceive me. Even if that sometimes means i loose out on doing something i want to or would enjoy doing, crazy!!! Every time i allow that to happen, a piece of me dies, i deny myself the freedom to be myself . Also it totally blocks the energy which flows through us all. Now to ditch this habit is easier said than done, but this mama ain't loosing out on any more fun, life is too damn short. The cycle was bloody amazing, i feel great after it, and yea met loads of people i know, we saluted and exchanged banter!! It was a good evening